Earth Day

Christine Haese
copyright 1993
Earth Day Celebration


Sisters and brothers of nature's clan
share equally this unfenced land
miles of golden grassland
mine to freely roam
Whatever I see
I will call my home.

Oh!  To be crowded
by an audience of silence
and walk a tiny highway
trampled firmly on the land.
I shout aloud from rocky cliffs
with crowds of friends
that gather now to listen
who hear my every word.

Wind!  Blow my name!
Sweep it far away.
Make me the one discovered new
in a shadow of of holiness
and this my garden of pleasures.

Possessed only by a night and day
protected by faith in the sun
I sing now to everyone
Earth is the place I call home.

Quietly now I lay in the arms
of violets and clover
reaching for the Spirits of Heaven
peace has captured my soul.

I understand...
I know who I am...
I am new,
I can breathe,
I am born.


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